Now that Colt is over 2 months old, I think I have some catching up to do. Jake and I went to the hospital on Nov. 26th to be induced (because my body doesn't do it by itself). At 3:26 pm we welcomed a beautiful, healthy baby boy into our lives. He weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 19 1/2 in. long. We decided to name him Colt Michael Schroeder.
I never would have thought that I'd be lucky enough to have two babies with colic, but somehow I am that blessed. Colt has a lot of gas, and cries all the time. Brielle uses one word to describe him she says, "Colt sad" even when he's not crying. I've tried all sorts of things to help him, but I guess it's just time. So, we are loving his happy days, and having patience through his hard days. But we are so grateful for the huge blessing he is in our lives!
Now that he's over 2 months old he is doing a lot better. Since birth he has always sounded kind of congested, and squeals, grunts, and makes the most interesting noises when he's restless. It's so funny, Jake can't sleep in the same room as him because of all the noises he makes. He has frequent cry - free time, and we love getting his adorable coos and grunts any chance we can. His cute chubby cheeks make his big smiles even more infectious.